№ 2 (16) – 2021 



 завантаження T. Akinina
 завантаження V. Symonenkov
 завантаження I. Symonenkova
 завантаження G. Trushkov, Cand. of Technical Sciences

FULL TEXT: PDF (in Ukrainian)


Cite in tne List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Акініна Т. Л., Симоненков В. М., Симоненкова І. В., Трушков Г. В. Підвищення ефективності застосування безекіпажних підводних апаратів для потреб Військово-Морських Сил Збройних Сил УкраїниЗбірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 2(16). С. 126-134. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.16.126-134 



The article considers the problems related to the need to use unmanned submarines for the needs of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the possibility of using the latest information technologies, namely, - study of acoustic means of monitoring physical processes in the marine environment, which are the most effective technologies , which significantly supplement and expand the possibilities of contact methods for measuring environmental indicators in technical solutions for underwater monitoring.
Methods of solving the tasks on the basis of optimal use of sonar underwater monitoring are proposed in order to increase the overall sensitivity of the sonar system to the useful signal and reduce the sensitivity to "natural" background or intentional interference by using small multi-beam sonar MEMS technology using.
Modular design of underwater robotic vehicles, which are one of the promising areas of development of naval equipment, based on the principle of open architecture involves the construction of their components as integral functional elements of the modular type. Therefore, there is a need to create cheap, easy to manufacture and install small hydroacoustic blocks-modules based on the use of MEMS technology, which reduces the overall cost and increases the survivability of the BPA as a whole.
It should be noted that the modular design of underwater robotic vehicles, which are one of the promising areas of development of naval equipment, based on the principle of open architecture involves the construction of their components (basic elements) as integral functional elements of the modular type.
It is proposed to use the obtained results in the course of further research within the framework of research and development on the creation of promising mobile unmanned aerial vehicles for underwater monitoring and surveillance.


unmanned underwater vehicle, robotic search and observation technologies, marine situation, underwater situation, microelectromechanical systems.

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