№ 2 (18) – 2022


завантаження O. Semenenko, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor


завантаження A. Iefimenko, Candidate of Military Science, Associate Professor


завантаження O. Vodchyts, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
завантаження Y. Dobrovolskyi, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
завантаження V. Lukhanin
завантаження M. Yarmolchyk

Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Семененко О. М., Єфіменко А. Є., Водчиць О. Г., Добровольський Ю. Б., Луханін В. В., Ярмольчик М. О. Аналіз та оцінка впливу факторів на вибір раціонального варіанту розвідувально-ударних систем в операції військ (сил). Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2022. № 2 (18). С. 25–38. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2022.18.25-38


An analysis of wars and military conflicts shows that the effectiveness of operations is influenced by: the introduction of news forms and methods of using troops (forces); organization and conduct of armed struggle in real time; increasing the capabilities of weapons and military equipment; the creation of weapons for various purposes, capable of ensuring effective conduct of hostilities with minimal losses and having a sudden and impressive effect on the enemy due to a qualitative advantage. A significant increase in the operational-tactical capabilities of groupings of troops (forces) and the effectiveness of their use is possible under conditions of broad integration of heterogeneous and diverse means of armed struggle into complex multifunctional systems, such as reconnaissance and strike systems. However, at the same time, the problem arises of choosing the necessary variant (composition) of such a system, since its different elements have different characteristics and capabilities, different costs for their creation, maintenance and use, as well as different times for their development and bringing to combat readiness. Analysis and evaluation of various factors influencing the choice of composition (creation) of reconnaissance-strike systems for conducting operations by troops (forces) will increase the validity of the management decisions taken on the formation of their composition. The assessment of the coefficients of the importance of the influence of factors on the choice of the composition of reconnaissance-strike systems in a particular operation, using the method of an expert survey by pairwise comparisons of the set of all selected factors, will allow us to form groups of the most influential external and internal military factors from their totality. In order to better determine the influence of factors in choosing the composition of reconnaissance-strike systems for use in the operations of troops (forces), an assessment was made of the correlations between the development of weapons and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the combat capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the allocated financial resources using regression and correlation analysis methods. The article determines that the greatest indicator of influence on the choice of composition (creation) of reconnaissance-strike systems for their use in the operations of troops (forces) of the many factors presented is carried out by military, economic and time factors.


choice of option, forms and methods of application, reconnaissance strike system, grouping, weapons and military equipment, UAVs, combat capabilities, efficiency, economic factor, financial resources, pair comparison.

List of bibliographic references

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