№ 2 (18) – 2022


завантаження A. Chernenko, Candidate of Military Sciences


завантаження A. Matvievsky, Candidate of Military Sciences
завантаження O. Rudkovskyi
завантаження P. Vankevych, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Scientist
завантаження N. Balitskyi
завантаження V. Fedorenko

Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Черненко А. Д., Матвієвський О. М., Рудковсьий О. М., Ванкевич П. І., Баліцький Н. С., Федоренко В. В. Формування навичок бойової роботи на сучасних зразках озброєння із залученням тренажерів. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2022. № 2 (18). С. 103–110. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2022.18.103-110


Some aspects of preparation of servicemen, that touches the battle arranging of crews of military equipment are considered in this summarizing article, receipt by them proof skills of the effective use of regular armament in composition subsections. The analysis of process of forming of skills of servicemen is resulted on employments from the combat training. Possibility of distribution of method of making of battle skills is examined for providing of sufficient level of the combat training, that foresees bringing in of modern multivectorial equipment which has ability to reproduce on facilities of monitoring of the varied multiplicative situations and providing of possibility to seize by it with the use of the attracted standards of military equipment adequate to the battle situation. For an example the process of preparation of activity of specialists of operator type is select, namely: one who aims a gun of cannons of tanks, one-operators who aims a gun of fighting machines of infantry, self-propelled-artillery (gun-artillery) complexes one who aims a gun of the anti-tank guided complexes; operators of the radiolocations stations and communication, facilities and automated control systems by the fire of the attracted military equipment networks. The questions of specific of functions which are executed by a man-operator in the process of battle application of armament and military technical come into question. As a result of evaluation of the special preparation of operators of Anti-aircraft self-moving gun-2S6 on an existent educational-material base the row of conclusions which are able to influence on the process of optimization of process of preparation of one who aims a gun is done.


reproduce maximal approach to militant condition of the personally staff, algorithm of the militant work of crew of military vehicle, indexes of the instruct, operate type of activity, training and modeling device, probably estimation of battle work, modern special training and education and methodical base military training of the military specialist, comparatively estimation of the level of instruct of personally crew, level of methodical master commander of platoon and battery.

List of bibliographic references

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