№ 2 (18) – 2022


завантаження D. Kotov



Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Котов Д. О. Критеріальні показники якості обробки мультисенсорної інформації в умовах дестабілізуючих впливів. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2022. № 2 (18). С. 119–126. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2022.18.119-126 


The approach to determining the criterion indicators of the quality of digital information processing in the multi-sensor information-controlled system of the car under the influence of destabilizing factors is considered. It was established that the process of processing information that enters the information-controlled system in digital form from various sensors involves the calculation of discrete convolutions of matrices of relevant operators and arrays of initial data. This process includes procedures for forming an array of responses to the observed information flow, an array of responses to the restored (restored) information flow, and forming conditions for restoration (restoration) of the observed information flow. The approach to assessing the quality of digital information processing in terms of determining subjective and objective assessments and methods of obtaining them is analyzed. The basis of these methods is the procedure of direct inversion of the estimated correlation matrix of random realizations of the observed multidimensional information process. Systems with an inverse operator for processing a multidimensional information array are quite sensitive to destabilizing influences: to random perturbations of the coefficients of the recovery (processing) operator and internal noise of the system along with internal system perturbations. The need to take into account destabilizing influences in the process of processing digital information in the car's information-controlled system necessitates the development of a general methodology for studying the influence of destabilizing factors on the quality of image processing.
Based on the application of inverse synthesis methods, analytical expressions for criterion quality indicators of digital image processing are proposed, which are not limited to the upper limit of quality assessment and allow analytical evaluation and quantitative determination of the quality level of discrete images restored by direct inversion at the stage of system synthesis.


car, information-controlled system, image, restoration, restoration operator, criterion indicators, multisensory information, quality of information processing. internal noise, destabilizing factors.


List of bibliographic references

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