№ 2 (18) – 2022


завантаження R. Kolchin, Candidate of Technical Sciences


завантаження I. Chaikin
завантаження O. Panchuk
завантаження L. Bykova
завантаження O. Frolov

Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Колчін Р. В., Чайкін І. В., Панчук О. О., Бикова Л. Г., Фролов О. С. Використання пакетів моделювання системної динаміки управління запасами в виробничо-торгових організаціях, які поставляють матерівально-технічні засоби для Збройних Сил України. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2022. № 2 (18). С. 135-139. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2022.18.135-139 


Planning of difficult logistic structures is presently conducted with the use of the special software products and modern information technologies. Presently in this area of widest find various computer expert facilities and systems of planning of processes of logistic. Large possibilities in this area are possessed by the packages of structural design. They allow not only to prepare the proper recommendations and projects on the base of exact analytical methods but also give them an evident, visual form.
In this article the considered approaches of design of system dynamics of control of inventories in production-point-of-sale organizations which supply, material and technical facilities for Military Powers of Ukraine. The example of visual model of logistic chain is described developed at to the environment of package of structural design of iThink
It is marked that work with the package of iThink does not require the special skills and knowledge of programming language. A model is developed by placing in a graphics editor separate component and them subsequent connection. If necessary intercommunications are set between separate knots. Analysing the package of structural design it is possible to draw a conclusion, that facilities of structural design of are some hard limits on the process of design. A model can be developed practically for any system of financial streams and supplies any the organizations of any pattern of ownership. Also it should be noted that design of activity of economic subjects exceptionally effective and perspective direction of development of administrative technologies. World experience testifies that computer analysis of the logistic systems, a condition is needed for the effective planning of creation and management similar difficult organizations.


logistic system, system of logistical support of Military Powers of Ukraine, production-point-of-sale organizations, structural design.

List of bibliographic references

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