№ 2 (16) – 2021 




 завантаження O. Semenenko, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor
 завантаження V. Nabok, Cand. of Military Sciences, Senior Research Scientist
 завантаження M. Sliusarenko, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher
 завантаження Yu. Dobrovolskyi, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
 завантаження O. Paiuk

FULL TEXT: PDF (in Ukrainian)


Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Семененко О. М., Набок В. К., Слюсаренко М. О., Добровольський Ю. Б., Паюк О. С. Метод аналітичного моделювання безвідмовності бойових засобів зенітних ракетних військ. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 2(16). С. 82-89. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.16.82-89 



The article sets out a method for analytical modeling of the recoverability of anti-aircraft missile forces using the example of a self-propelled fire launcher (SOU) of the Buk anti-aircraft missile system. The main attention is paid to one of the properties of technical reliability, namely the reliability of weapons and military equipment. This is especially true of the IWT anti-aircraft missile forces, the failure to fulfill the tasks of which due to failures in operation can lead to serious consequences in operation or battle. The improved method of mathematical modeling of reliability allows taking into account the possibility of developing elements of aging and wear of MCS components in the process of expending the released resource at the operation stage, as well as taking into account the conditions of hostilities by using and developing a mathematical model in the form of a Weibull distribution in order to obtain more guaranteed indicators of reliability. It is advisable to select the final value of the mean hour of MTBF failure taking into account reaching the value of the ratio between the number of MTBF disabled due to only limited technical reliability and the amount of equipment that failed due to enemy fire action. This will increase the efficiency of the system for updating damaged MDS during hostilities, and improve the planning of production activities of repair bodies. It will also be possible to increase the overall combat effectiveness of the anti-aircraft missile regiment in the process of repelling a raid of air attack vehicles. When setting the specified ratio value, the required MTBF value can be calculated (before failure).
The improved method of mathematical modeling adequately reflects the failure-free operation of the combat vehicles of the Buk anti-aircraft missile system, taking into account the conditions of hostilities.


probability of failure-free operation, failure-free simulation, continuous operation time, distribution parameters, time between failures, limited technical reliability.

List of bibliographic references

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