№ 1 (15) – 2021 


O. Manzhai
V. Remin
M. Kulyk
V. Sukhorukov
I. Shtogrin

Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Манжай О. В., Ремінь В. В., Кулик М. Л., Сухоруков В. О., Штогрин І. Д. Деякі вимоги до перспетивної броньованої колісної платформи. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 1(15). С. 45-50. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.15.45-50 


The article contains material that significantly affects the further formation of operational and tactical requirements for the chasm of the armored wheeled platform (BKP) designed for the needs of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, taking into account modern needs and in accordance with NATO standards. The basis in the writing of this article is the result of joint work of personnel of the Department of Armored Vehicles and the Scientific Center of the Military Academy (Odessa) on the development of operational and tactical requirements for an armored wheeled platform in order to further form informed decisions.
In the article, the authors did not consider or compare the prospective sample on the tracked course, but consider a promising line of BKP for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the requirements for which are significantly different from the purpose of tracked machines. In turn, the wheel platform, compared with the tracked move, has significant advantages in moving outside the areas of hostilities. And the troops still adhere to the tactics of constant stay in motion. The wheel stroke, unlike the tracked one, is a larger travel resource and high technical reliability, the ability to use standard units and aggregates of civilian wheeled machines simplifies maintenance and repair.
The positive result of using the local industrial base was felt in March-April 2014 by the AFU units, who were one of the first to put forward their full-time equipment to restore the constitutional order in the east of the state. The design of the BTR, which are in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, allowed them to be used on the way of nomination of forces and means of civil service stations, local enterprises, agricultural fleets, etc., in particular spare parts for the KAMAZ 740 engine.


armored wheeled platform, operational and tactical requirements, armored weapons and equipment.


List of bibliographic references

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